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Moving Before Memorial Day, Professional Norfolk Moving Company

Secrets of Scheduling your Moving Before Memorial Day

Moving home for the holidays is an exciting moment which comes with the anticipation of new memories in a new environment. When moving before Memorial Day, there is a lot of things that need scheduling. One needs to come up with a good plan to make the process less stressing. Below are ways of scheduling your moving before Memorial Day.

• Change of Address Cards

Two weeks before moving, send a card to family and friends letting them know your new address. Although any post forwarding services will automatically forward mail, it would be nice if you people you care about know your new address.

Norfolk Moving Company

• Utilities Recorded and Notified

This can only be done right before you leave. You will need to record the meter readings for the gas and electric on your last day and advise the utility companies of these before you vacate the property. Any persons moving into your home will hopefully record the meter reading on the day they move in, but to make sure you only pay for what you have used it would be beneficial to record the data anyway.

• Hiring a Professional Norfolk Va. Moving Company

If you need a professional Norfolk moving company make sure you get enough moving quotes and what’s involved in the moving quote. Does the Norfolk moving company insurance cover your valuables? How many movers are involved in the moving process? Check that there are no hidden extras that you may have to pay to get your goods released. Does the Norfolk Va. Moving company have moving insurance in the event something goes wrong? Maybe even try and get some scenarios or situations to ask the moving company beforehand. Your household goods are contained within the moving truck so you need to be certain everything will run as smooth as possible. Ensure you have the phone number and contact details of the moving company driver to call for any reasons or problems during transit.

• Personal Items and Essentials

Think about your most precious and sentimental possessions and can you take these with you on the journey? The Norfolk moving company will be more than capable of delivering your goods on time, but in the event of anything going wrong if you have your treasures on you, that’s one less thing to worry about. These essential include valuable jewelry or your personal certificates. These are items that can make you go crazy if they got lost.

• Label Boxes

It goes without saying but even if you think you are organized and plan well you might want to make sure everything is labeled with the room it came from. All boxes look the same once loaded into a moving truck and may not get unloaded the same way it was loaded and you may well be looking around for the TV remote for some time. This is something that can be done early on with the nonessentials packed up first.

• Register with New Health Services

This is only done after moving. Register with dentists and doctors and hospitals if needed, as soon you move. Don’t leave it until you need the services.

• Notify Employers and Schools of New Address

Similar theme to the new address cards, but this is not for casual or friendly reasons – this is important. Employers will need to know your new address for HR reasons. Schools will need your new address, especially if you are moving homes but your children are staying at the same school. If you have given a landline number, make sure you have this changed as well as the address.

• Insurance – Home and Car

Make sure that your new home is fully covered by the insurance company as soon as possible, preferably from the day you move in. This is essential for any home, but can sometimes be forgotten. Car insurance is critical and makes sure you notify your car insurance company as soon as you move. This is essential as your car insurance premium may change especially if you have moved to a new area or used to park on the road and now have a secure garage for example. This is helpful especially when you are moving to a different province.

• Double checks

Double check the moving date with your estate agent, these can often slip by a few days. Make some final checks; speak to your Norfolk moving company and any volunteers that are helping with the move. Start putting your belongings into labeled boxes taking the time to put things in boxes for set rooms will help to save time when completing your move. Moving house can be a great opportunity to get rid of any unwanted belongings if you are going through items that you have not used for a while gets rid of them.


On the moving day, defrost your freezer if you are taking it with you and switch off the electronics. Pack any essentials that you require in the same box so that you have enough to get by in the first night in your new home. When moving, make sure you check that nothing has been left and make arrangements to leave your key somewhere. When you do move in make sure that you set up a bed, you will be grateful that you did in the morning! Finally, settle in and make your new house into a home and enjoy your holiday.

Southside Moving and Storage

1180 Lance Rd Norfolk Va. 23502

757-985-3737 or 800-587-7474

Southside Moving and Storage provides local and long distance moving services throughout Hampton Roads Virginia to include Norfolk Virginia, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk Va., Portsmouth, Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg Va., and Franklin.

We specialize in residential and commercial moving.  No move is too big or too small, call for a free moving estimate 757-985-3737.