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Moving a Baby Grand Piano

Consider These Points Before Moving Your Baby Grand Piano To Another Location

A baby grand piano is a very delicate instrument, and anybody who owns one of these beautiful works of art knows the level of stress that they can go through if ever they have to move house. Because these pianos are extremely heavy and have an awkward shape that makes it difficult to move them from one room to another, it is very easy to scratch their beautiful finishes, or maybe even get a few dents in the process. Because of this, you are always better off hiring a professional moving company, as they will have the know-how and right equipment specialized for piano moving. For example, a moving company that specializes in handling baby grand pianos would most likely have the following characteristics:

Utilizes the Right Equipment

Piano moving can be a very labor-intensive task, so to make the whole process easier, a minimum of two blankets that are designed for moving would be used. In addition, a moving company would most likely use some type of dolly that has the capacity to support the weight of the baby grand piano, and they would also need special tools in order to dismantle the piano if needed. Lastly, a total of two straps, each around 2 inches long, would be needed to wrap around the piano. With these tools, there is less risk of accidentally dropping this beautiful instrument, and the workers would have an easier job of moving your precious baby grand piano quite easily from one location to another.

Has Experienced Workers with Good Communication Skills

The right equipment is not enough. To make it all happen, a moving company must have experienced workers who know how to communicate well with other people. This is important, because not only will they have to handle a very delicate instrument, but they also have to be careful not to get injured during the process. One wrong move and someone could find themselves in the emergency room very quickly. With the right communication skills, each worker will have a good idea of when they need to shift the instrument left or right, or to help minimize the amount of weight when it is required so that the other worker is able to maneuver the instrument without any problem. Once the moving begins, it is best that you try to stay out of the way, otherwise you might just confuse the workers instead of help them. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t express your concerns or give some important information that you feel the workers should know about, but it is best to do all of this before they actually begin moving your baby grand piano. In the end, you are hiring them for their expertise, so give them the space that they need in order to do their jobs properly.

Offers Insurance Because It Is Important

Regardless of the equipment and the amount of experience a mover will have, accidents can still happen, so a decent moving company should have adequate insurance to cover any potential damage that can occur during the moving process. Moving itself can be very stressful for anybody, and so the last thing you want is to worry about the financial consequences that could arise if things didn’t go completely your way.

What Is Needed from the Customer?

While a good quality moving company will easily be able to handle the whole moving process, this will largely depend on how well you plan everything before calling them. Once you find the right piano moving company, spend a little time on planning your schedule so that you can get everything ready before they come. Find out what days would be perfect for the actual moving to occur, and make sure that you have enough time before that final day arrives. When you have all the details, give them a call and ask them if there’s anything they need from your side to make sure that everything goes smoothly. If there is, take some notes with a pen and paper and make sure that you understand them clearly. You can also take some time to double check with them on the costs of the service, the type of insurance they have, and any other details that you feel will be important. This will save you a lot of headache that usually comes from incorrect assumptions.

Be prepared to still be a bit stressed, because let’s face it, the moving company will be handling something that is very precious to you, and until it is in its final resting place, you are still going to be a little bit on edge.

Southside Moving and Storage

1533 Harpers Rd.

Virginia Beach, Va. 23454


Proudly Serving all of Hampton Roads, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Hampton, Newport News and Williamsburg