Difference Between Interstate & Intrastate Moves
Difference Between Interstate & Intrastate Moves
If you are planning on moving home in Suffolk, VA, regardless of the distance, you have to know what your rights are. Moving is a very stressful period in everybody’s life and you need to know for a fact what you can expect and what you can do in different eventualities. Although most people move at least three times during their lifetime, very few actually know the different processes that are involved and they are even less familiar with the different terminologies. Unfortunately, without understanding these different things, you put yourself at risk of losing out on quite a bit of money and making the entire moving experience even more stressful than it needs to be. Understanding the type of move you will be involved in is the first thing you need to look into.
When you start to contact the different movers Suffolk VA has to offer, you will notice that many of them will ask you if your move is interstate or intrastate. This is quite a complicated question and not knowing how to answer it could cost you dearly. When you become educated on the issue, however, you make sure that you don’t fall victim to various moving scams. Additionally, you will know what your specific rights are when you are going through your move. By understanding the difference between intrastate and interstate, and by looking into the various regulations and laws that surround these moves, you can save yourself a lot of money, a lot of time and a lot of energy. If, however, you don’t know what the difference is – and most people don’t – then the following information may be of benefit to you.
Interstate Moves
Firstly, there are interstate moves. When moving Suffolk VA professionals explain that this is the most common long distance move. It basically means that you will cross state lines when you move, or that you cross international borders. The governing body for interstate moves is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration or FMCSA. Interstate moves are long distance moves and it means that a state line is crossed at any point during the move itself. Be aware of the fact that if your moving company does not cross state lines, but your goods do, it is still classed as interstate. This could happen, for instance, if you move your items across the state lines with a train and then use a moving company to transport them from the station to your new home.
Intrastate Moves
Then, there are intrastate moves. This means that the move is completed within the same state’s borders. These are also referred to as “local movers” and do not come under the regulation of the FMCSA. However, this doesn’t mean that they do not have to stick to certain rules but rather that these rules are determined by your state’s government, rather than federal government. This also means that the rules vary from one state to the other. You should look into your specific rights and the regulating bodies in your state before you hire a moving company. There are a number of states with incredibly stringent guidelines and they also require various licenses. Other states, on the other hand, have almost no regulation in place.
There are two things that you need to keep in mind. Firstly, you can be charged a moving fee for long distances moves even if you are engaging in an intrastate move. This is mainly because the distance between two points within one state can be very long. Hence, you need to look into whether or not your moving company will charge you any long distance fees or no.
The second thing you have to be aware of is that what may seem like an intrastate move is actually an interstate move. This happens when the shortest route between your old property and your new property crosses a state border. This is actually a very common occurrence and really highlights why it is so important that you look into regulations and licenses. If, for instance, you live in a state that has very small restrictions, guidelines and regulations in place, but your moving company is crossing the border into a more regulated state, they may have to have additional insurance and licenses. This is why it is so important that you have an understanding of the laws and regulations yourself. Secondly, before you decide to hire a certain moving company, you need to ask them which route they intend to take, so that you know whether or not they will cross state lines.
Southside Moving and Storage
1533 Harpers Rd
Virginia Beach, Va. 2345
Proudly serving Richmond, Chesterfield, Chester, Henrico, Ashland, Hanover, Mechanicsville, New Kent, Powhaton, Hopewell, Colonial Heights, Prince George, Charles City, Petersburg, King William, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, Portsmouth, Franklin, Isle of Wight, Surry, Smithfield,