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Tips For Students Moving To College

Tips For Students Moving To College

If you are moving to college, you will probably have been making plans for quite some time now. However, when the actual time comes, students moving to college always find that the experience is stressful and confusing. They simply don’t know what to take with them, what to throw away, what to store, and so on. Additionally, moving out for the first time is both stressful and fun, and finding a positive balance between the two can be very difficult. So what can you do to make student moves easier to handle? Let’s take a look at some hints and tips.

First of all, you need to know exactly where you are moving to and how much space you will have there. This will greatly determine just how much you can actually take. Next, you need to find a good moving company to help you with the actual move. They will often also have a lot of hints and tips to make the process easier. Additionally, they could supply you with boxes and packing materials to help you with your move. Once those are arranged, it is time to start sorting through all the different items. The first is to make two piles: one for those you keep and another for those to be thrown out. Be ruthless. You have a life ahead of you to collect new stuff. Anything that you do want to throw out should be sorted into donations to charity and actual trash. Then, it is time to start looking into your keep pile. Pick out the things that have true sentimental value for you – things you don’t absolutely need, but can’t throw away either. These can be placed in storage. With everything else, ask yourself with every item whether you will need it to improve your college experience. How will that particular item make your life better? An alarm clock, for instance, is a really important item. However, a poster of The Doors may not be so important. After all, you will probably go shopping for decoration items at some point when you are in college.

When you do move to college, you have to be ruthless with your decisions. This is a time of transition, where you say goodbye to your old life of being a child, and say hello to your new life of being a young adult. This means you should also rid yourself of those things that still hold you to the past. Relocating to college is your opportunity to start a new life. Redefine yourself by letting go of things you don’t really need anymore. Remember that they are only things, and things can be replaced if necessary. Furthermore, the less you take with you, the less your move will cost you.

Southside Moving and Storage

1533 Harpers Rd
Virginia Beach, Va. 23454

757-234-7080 or 800-587-7474

Proudly serving all of Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Newport News, Hampton, Suffolk, Williamsburg, Pertersburg, Richmond, Chesterfield, Midlothian, Chester, Hopewell, Henrico, Mechanicsville, Doswell, Ashland, Colonial Heights, New Kent, Amelia, Prince George, Charles City, Franklin, Emporia, Isle of Wight, and Ivor.