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Moving Companies Hampton Va, Moving To Langley Air Force Base Virginia

Moving To Langley Air Force Base Virginia

Moving home is known to be one of the most stressful things in a person’s lifetime. But it is a shame that it has received such a bad reputation because there are actually plenty of things you can do in order to make it an enjoyable experience instead. By hiring the services of an excellent Hampton Roads moving company and by getting to know that particular local area before you move there, you will be fully prepared to take on any challenges that are thrown your way. After all, challenges are nothing but opportunities for growth! So, if you are considering moving to Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, the following information may be of help for you.

Finding Langley Air Force Base Moving Companies

The first thing you must do is find a military approved moving company that can meet your needs and requirements. Hence, you have to understand those needs and requirements yourself first. Think about how much or how little you want the best movers Langley Air Force Base will have to do for you, and how much you are willing to pay for that. Always look into the reputation of the moving companies you are considering through social media and sites like the Better Business Bureau. Do try to opt for a local Langley Air Force Base moving company if you can. Not only does this mean you are supporting the local economy, which will soon be your own local economy, it also means that you will be able to get lots of information about the area and things you can do there. Moving into your new home and building a new circle of friends will be a breeze from thereon.

Find Out About the History of Langley Air Force Base

It’s important to understanding the history of Langley Air Force Base is a great way to build an understanding of your new home. This base is actually one of the oldest air force bases in the country that has been continuously active. The predecessor of NASA, the National Advisory Council for Aeronautics, first established the base after they determined there was a need for a joint navy, army and NACA aircraft. They specified that the perfect site should be near water, that it should be flat, and that there should be room for expansion in the future. The location was found by the army, who placed officers hiding as fishermen and hunters to find the perfect spot. Some 15 different locations were identified before the current spot, near Hampton Virginia, was chosen.

Langley Air Force Base was named after Samuel Pierpont Langley, who was a pioneer in the field of aeronautics. He launched from a houseboat catapult in order to test a heavier-than-air craft in 1903. He was not successful and he died three years later, just before a model adapted from his original designs successfully took off.

By 1918, a number of buildings had been constructed on the site. Some impressive planes landed there as well, including the DH-4 bomber and the JN-4 Curtis Jenny, both of which were used during the first world war. For a short time, they also had hydrogen-filled dirigibles, which are lighter than air. Indeed, the area in which they were used is still known as the lighter-than-air (LTA) area.

From 1920 onwards, Langley became truly innovative and they proved the validity of the air power concept. Additionally, it was from here that Brigadier General Billy Mitchell started bombing runs that flew over the captured German boats, which were held in Virginia. It was these tests that developed the concept of strategic bombardment.

Over the next decade, the airfield offered a major army stronghold. It was both offensive and defensive, after all. Hence, it became a major airfield for the Air Force itself. It was also then that the majority of the currently standing buildings were created.

When the second world war broke out, the air field had a new mission. They started to develop detector equipment that were used mainly for antisubmarine warfare. The units developed here were absolutely vital in the successful sinking of various submarines near the coasts.

The headquarters of the Tactical Air Command, a new unit, were established at Langley in 1946. Their goal was the organization, training, equipment and maintenance of forces that were combat-ready and could be rapidly deployed in order to hold up peacetime air sovereignty, as well as defend the air space in times of war. They also brought with them a jet aircraft, which started a brand new period for Langley. It is during this time that it was officially renamed “Langley Air Force Base.”

Today, the biggest building at the base is the 1st Fighter Wing. They still hold high the original goal of the Tactical Air Command. To achieve this, they fly the F-15 Eagle, which was implemented in January of 1976. By 1992, Tactical Air Command became inactive and was replaced by the Air Combat Command. This unit provides forces for air fighting during wars. Additionally, they have responsibility over a variety of aircraft, intelligence systems and ballistics.

Today, the site covers 2,900 acres and it is likely to grow further. Some 8,800 military personnel work and live there. Additionally, there are some 2,800 civilian employees as well.

Things to Do in Langley Air Force Base

Obviously, the military history of the base is absolutely fascinating. Many people tend to go to Hampton Virginia or other nearby areas for entertainment, but there are quite a few things to do in the base itself as well. There is the Langley AFB Commissary, where you can go for your food shopping. There is the landmark of the field itself, where you can just imagine all the planes and other crafts taking off from. The library is also very interesting, particularly if you have an interest in military history. Finally, there is the Langley AFB Eaglewood Golf Course, which is a truly world class golf course where you can spend many weekends or afternoons putting on the green. Clearly, there is plenty of time for R&R when at Langley Air Force Base.

Southside Moving and Storage

1533 Harpers Rd
Virginia Beach, Va. 23454

757-234-7080 or 800-587-7474

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