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Seven Ways To Pack Before Moving, Moving Norfolk Virginia

7 Best Ways to Pack before Moving

Packing is the most important yet one of the most difficult things to get right when you’re moving. Most people pack their belongings themselves while others prefer to hire a professional moving company to pack for them. Perhaps that’s because not only will they not have to deal with what may seem to be an overwhelming venture, but this also makes sure that their insurance policy will be honored in case some items are lost. 

The hardest part of packing is when you begin to pack. It may look overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. To make it easy and efficient start in one room and pack everything there before moving on to the next room. Before packing, you first have to think about what things you should take with you to the new house and what should be left. Begin with one room and check the items in that room to spot the items that you rarely use. Find clothes that don’t fit you any longer or kitchen containers that do not have tops. Do not waste the space in the boxes by taking these along with you. Give them away or just discard them. 


Ways to Pack before Moving

• Plan Well 

Planning is essential when packing your belongings whether you have friends helping you or you are planning to pack on your own household goods. You would want everyone to be on the same page and know what things need to be packed, what needs to be thrown away, how it is to be packed etc. If you have this information ready with you and if you share it with everyone else, it would be easier for everyone to help. Start with the things that you would not need to use on a regular basis. Pack your CDs, keepsakes, picture frames and books to begin with. 

• Packing Checklist 

The first things you’ll need are a packing book and packing materials. A packing book makes it much easier to unpack after your possessions are delivered because you will label every box you pack with a letter and a number and write a brief description of the contents in the book next to the same letter and number. This way the movers will be able to put the boxes in the apropos rooms, and you will know where to go for what when you unpack. If you want to make even easier get colored stickers and also color code the boxes. 

• Moving Boxes 

Buy strong boxes in different sizes. Some moving boxes are designed specifically designed to hold books. You’ll be able to pack enough books in each box so that one person can carry it. All of your boxes should be fully packed because they will be stacked one upon another and will need to be structurally strong enough to support the weight above them. This precludes recycling old moving boxes because cardboard deteriorates. And if you’re thinking about filling up trash bags – well, trash that thought. They rip easily and can cause you more grief than the money you could save. You’ll want to put the heavier things on the bottom of your moving boxes. Wrap most of your items, especially your fragile items, in either packing paper or bubble wrap. 

• Get a Team 

Getting a team is really helpful because the team will help you with the packing. Ask a few family members and friends to help. Provide refreshing drinks and lunch to all, have nice music playing, and it would certainly turn out to be an enjoyable as well as productive time for all. You would find it easier to pack if you have help. 

• Labelling 

Labeling is very important if you want to keep things organized. You would need to write the name of the room where the box belongs as well as other details on the box. Mention details about the content of the box like coats, shoes, winter clothes, etc. on the moving boxes or if there are fragile items inside the moving boxes. 

• Fragile items 

When packing fragile items make sure to line the bottom of the moving boxes with bubble wrap, wadded-up or packing paper. Do not forget to write fragile in big, bold letters on the top and sides of boxes that have fragile items in them. 

• Moving Furniture 

Remember to wrap the legs of all of your furniture to prevent it from being damaged. And, as far as larger appliances are concerned, refer to your owner’s manuals and follow their instructions. For example, you’ll have to defrost your refrigerator and drain your dishwasher well before the move, so water doesn’t leak over everything 


Once everything is packed, transported and is being unloaded to your new home, begin with the boxes that you would require first like basic kitchen items, clothes, and toiletries. Remove everything from one box and arrange it before you open another box. Otherwise, you might just end up with the new place scattered with a lot of boxes and belongings which would only confuse you. Even though it might be tiring, getting everything arranged in the new home at the earliest is the best. 

Southside Moving and Storage

757-985-3737 or 800-587-7474

1180 Lance Rd Norfolk Va. 

Southside Moving and Storage is a full service moving and storage company.  We specialize in residential moving, commercial moving, and small business moves.  We offer local moving services and long distance moving services.  Southside Moving and Storage provides professional moving services for all of Hampton Roads, including Norfolk Va., Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Suffolk Va., Hampton, Newport News, and Williamsburg.